Wake up almost 9 a.m, afterthat do housework like drying clothes,sweep my bedroom and mop my bedroom and living room~
Hu~a busy morning><
Having my breakfast at 10 a.m something~
Me is quite hungry~
Then relax myself~
Watching tv and so on~
Next teach my sister do her essay~
afterthat tidy up myself><
Almost 2.30p.m,hang out with hubby^^
Miss he so much><
It is obviously we went spring again><
Cause didn't have better place for us to shop><
Spring are crowded bcuz got some show><
Hubby turn many round to find parking place>><<
Finally we got it><
Afterthat we went to 'Da Qiang" buy some junk food to eat at cinema~
then I have a cup of vanila ice-cream^^
Erm...Yummy Yummy^^
my favourite^^
We go in cinema~
Before go in cinema we took two pic^^
But the photo lacks definition

Then go inside the cinema><
My expect movie_____Eclipse^^
The story are attractive me^^
But I'm no enjoy myself><
Bcuz it is too~ cold until shiver...
a weak body><
Finish watching ,we went to the car and it was a question always make we feel confused
That is----"Where we want go for eat???"><
Hubby turn around and around~
Finally we went to Tarot which nearby my sisters tuition centre...
Below have some pic:
Below have some pic:
Hubby take it~
We are sharing drink^^
We are sharing drink^^
the colour is very beauty and it is nice taste^^
at the bottom got cream but all the cream are inside hubby stomach^^
Afterthat, hubby let me drive he's car><
Afterthat, hubby let me drive he's car><
Feeling Unsafely...
I give back to he drive><
me so useless><*
Then we went to fetch my sisters and back home^^
Sunday 18/7/2010
Accompany with my mum and lil sis go to 3miles brought vegetable><
afterthat reach home I start to doing my housework><
then having my breakfast><
rest a while^^
Fetch my dad go to take his lorry with my eldest sis^^
Afterthat back home~
do nothing~
just watching tv and have a nap~><
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