Hi my lovely readers.
Sorry that I had abandoned my bloggie for a few days.
Mid-exam is coming soon. I am rush for doing revision.
Hope me do it well!!^^
And wish my friend also do the best in revision. ^_^
I always can't remember what I had study or I had hardly remember it.
I hate myself so much.
What a stupid brain I had!!
Dunno how to make sure all the things I had memories can always stay in my mind.
Hottie weather made me couldn't concentrated in my study.
Exam is coming soon and MY BRAIN WAS BLANK TOO ><
I wanna cry!! T____T
Nothing to write here.
Just wanna share some my vain picture that I took today.
And all in "pure" face. So will looks weird and ugly.
That is what I had desire. >_^
Tomorrow will meet my da wu gui( turtle) Hubby.
We dunno meet each others for a few days!!
I miss him so much!!
That's all for today.
Just a simple updated!! ^__^
♥ Life
By>Yvonne星_DY ♥
yeer~so cute o~~~~~