Hi readers!!^_^
Yesterday (5.5.2011) was my 19th birthday and coincidentally also my chinese birthday too. So lucky that both of the day met in the same time.^^
So sad to say that I'M OLD >_<
Seriously, never once did I thought that 19 was the official legal age and its like the year that finally can do something new that I wanna to try to do before. Lolx.
I had did a miserable things at my 18 and didn't even enjoy it so I wouldn't let my 19 be to same as 18. Need some changed!! Hahax.

Thank you to my mum wake up early and boiling eggs for me.
This 2 eggs made me felt full until max. But I extremely happy.
Thank you to my friend and my classmate. U all give me a biggest surprise I never ever experience it before in my life.
I love the moment very much. I felt that I wanna cry, because it was really touched!!
I love the Hello Kitty cake and It was tasty!!:)
I love the Melody u all gave me. It was hard to found it but u all had found it.
I was touched and happy until max when u all took it up for me...!!:)
Seriously, I will remember it deeply in my mind!!:)

the melody now is sleeping on my bed!!^^

a friend gave me want. Thank you!

Hohoho~ this was the present at my previous post.
I LIKE IT. Star-lamp?? hahax.
It was the time celebrated my birthday with hubby!!
Let's rock it!!^^
After prepared, had some picture taking.

Melody and I <3

Then hang out...
1stly, went to hubby's house wait for him to finished bath and he had cut his fringe hair.
It looks better :).
After that hubby went to took the foods his had ordered around pandungan area the restaurant called Tom's(if i not mistaken.)
Then went to his sister's boyfriend house.
Woots!! That was my feeling want I saw the house.
Really big and nice!! :)
Sharing pictures time....
And forgive me because some picture might looks blur. My camera was sucks at the night!!

this mirror was the sides of the staircase and it can opened insides were shoes rack.
It was cool and creative!! ^^

I'm trying to smile. I wonder that I didn't smile when I'm taking photo!!><
Dunno why?? Maybe I thought that my smile face was sucks!!

the living room

the dry kitchen

So sad that outsides was raining heavily><

the swimming pool. I couldn't saw it because of rain!

the steam room .

the tv room.
Oh my gosh, the house really high class!!

I captured it. NICE ISN'T? HAHAX. Hubby looks adorable!! ^^
Ta da~
Dinner time!!

Beef steak,hubby want!!

lamb steak mine and hubby sister's boyfriend want.

dunno the name just is a chicken and mixed with cheese. This was hubby sister want.

Chicken soup,mushroom soup, mixed pizza and salad.

red wine <3

Lavish dinner!! All the dishes was tidy up and arranged by Hubby sister and his sister boyf.


Yippe!! We finished all!!
Hahax. Actually we didn't ate one of the pizza because it was very full.
Rest for awhile and tidy up the table.
Cake time!!

me and hubby's sister. She also May baby! So we celebrated together!!

Want to know what I'm wishing for??
hahax. I dun let u know!!
this is secret!!

The cake tasted nice!! I love the favour!!
Yummy yummy yummy, still felt the tasted in my mouth now!!
Thank you hubby. U always do the best things for me!!
I know this dinner u had spent a lot of ur money.
I had enjoyed it and I was really happy that u treat me so well!!
I love u so much.
U always be mine!!^^
♥ Life
By>Yvonne星_DY ♥